Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Winning a Bonus

What a gorgeous night for a ballgame.

Everybody said so. Even before the game, passing under Willie Stargell's frightening stance on the way to the riverwalk.

Even with a 75-minute drive out of the mountains. Even with a 100-minute drive home. Even with a major road closed and another at a clog factor of 10. Even then.

It didn't hurt that a hometown boy put us ahead with a homerun late in the game.

In the middle of what is sure to be the 18th losing season in a row, we find other pleasures in the game. We noticed for the first time tonight, for example, all nine Pirates wore their pants short.

That's something, right? The proof is below. You can click on it and see.

It didn't hurt that we beat the Cubs again. We like the Cubs; their fans are long-suffering, and we relate.

And we think their theme song, "Go, Cubs, Go" is infectious and the best in baseball. We like to hear their fans stand and sing it at Wrigley, in the daylight, on TV. But not against us. Still, this is baseball. It's sometimes okay to admire the opposition.

We thought of such things on the drive home in the dark. We pulled into our garage and walked through the wet grass under the constellations.

Lightning bugs floated around us. Bullfrogs crooned in bass, peepers in soprano.  Yes, a gorgeous night. We like this song better.

copyright 2010 J. O'Brien, all rights reserved