Monday, June 07, 2010

After Rain

Mist rose from the valley as we drove over the ridge with our bikes on the back.

The rain had stopped, and we knew the trail could be a little soft in spots, but not muddy. The Great Allegheny Passage never disappoints us. Neither do the people we meet. We have a name for that: Trail Magic.

The Casselman River through these mountains cuts the deepest gorge in the state.  The river keeps us company as we ride. Mountain laurel blooms amid the bigger and darker leaves of wild rhododendron (which will bloom in July).

Along the way and in the small towns we pass through, we meet people from all over the world. When they ask where we're from, and we tell them just over the next ridge, we can see the envy in their eyes.

"Lucky," they'll say. We'll say, "We know."

copyright 2010 J. O'Brien, all rights reserved