Friday, June 25, 2010

Last Week End in June

It's the last week end in June, and the grass needs cutting.

But it's the last week end in June, and we're going to lie in it, instead.

Besides, we like how we can see where we've been, and especially how it feels between our toes.

Beginning moonrise tonight, we plan to be barefoot until Sunday, at least, when social obligations will take us closer to civilization. We would begin sooner, but we must venture into town for spiced tomato juice, horseradish, pepper, and celery. Organic, of course.

Maybe we'll make a fire after sunset. Nothing like firelight on dear faces.

Stop by if you are of the same mind. If not, call us on Monday. On Monday we plan to listen to recorded messages sometime after we finish mowing.

Party on, Garth.

copyright 2010 J. O'Brien, all rights reserved