Saturday, June 05, 2010

Dad at Gettysburg, 1933

 Will Hall, those who remember him have told us, was something of a colorful character.

Independent, proud, and fiercely patriotic, he was born during the Civil War in which his father fought. Will's middle name, afterall, was Grant. He is our great grandfather,

We have inherited a picture of him saluting next to a cannon on the battlefield at Gettysburg. The picture is small and damaged. No one remembers much about it -- so much is lost in the passing of generations.

But we have plied our PhotoShop skills, and learned a little from the partial plaque. We know it's Gettysburg, because the handwriting of a great aunt says so. And this week, thanks to the help of a licensed battlefield guide, we found the spot where he stood.

We did the same. We photographed. We rendered the result in black-and-while, blurred it a little, and attached it to an e-mail to our own son. Below we wrote, "Dad at Gettysburg, 2010."

We hope it's the second in a series of images of independent and proud Pennsylvanians saluting on Culp's Hill, and that 77 years need not pass before the  next one.

copyright 2010 J. O'Brien, all rights reserved