Thursday, July 20, 2023

Happy To Be Here

Upper Turkeyfoot Township


In the slowest curve of our orbit,

after counting swallows on the wire

as night filled the valley,

we walked to the top of the field

to better see the thunderheads,

enormous, darkening, slowly expanding,

more art than weather,

held in place behind the hill corn

by a windless, muted sunset

that filled the sky we stood in

with the colors of a dove's breast,

our spirits lifting with the fireflies

that rose from nascent goldenrod

like ten thousand beacons—

we'll find our way, we are not lost—

as the heat of day radiated into heaven.

Our concerns lifted as the earth cooled,

and we stood still in the shadow

of our planet just long enough,

as mosquitoes sang in our ears,

to find the thinnest blade of a young moon

surprisingly high above us. We were not sure

what had changed, but we knew

we would be here tomorrow,

and we were pleased, grateful, and calm.