Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Magical Elders

"Star Catcher," Mihail Minkhov photo.


This is the part of the movie,

you said,

where one of us dies.

I'd thought of that, too,

and we laughed.

What else should we do ?

"Magical elders," you called us,

in a new age, all of us only

for as long as it lasts,

With time enough

for you to read me your story,

time enough for me

to read you my song,

Time enough for us

to sit on the porch

in the dark and the quiet,

our shoulders touching,

Time enough

to walk out into the field

together under the stars,

alone with the abyss,

Time enough

for one of us

to remember

we had time enough.

—with two lines from Edward Hirsch's "The Guild"