Saturday, August 06, 2022

Everyday Radicals

It doesn't have to be anything revolutionary.

A damp bandana on a tarnished doorknob will do.

A stick leaning in leaf-filtered sunlight will do.

Keep it simple. Use plain words. Just pay attention,

be still enough for another voice

to speak through an open doorway.

Thunder tumbles in the north, harmless and reassuring.

Alone in the tree shade, no breaking news,

no agents of greed, no straining for original thought,

just the evening breeze in the swaying crowns,

just yourself, your foolish self,

old enough to miss youth's passionate errors,

young enough to feel the earth turn.

We are not less than marvelous,

each of us on our spinning world,

unique in the universe, for all we know.

And in that we are all revolutionaries.

—after Mary Oliver's "Prayer"