Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Rural Optimists, We Few

with room enough for optimism


Between two ancient mountain ridges

runs a third on which I live,

me and a few neighbors,

we like it that way, we few,

connected by a few well-graded roads

on which we may pass more tractors than cars

with a wave and some talk on the weather,

maybe a quick word about life and death

among the clans, a few in their eighth generation

on this spine of land between the creek and the river,

a few words enough for human connection,

letting each other know without saying

we're here and we'll help if we can,

here with our long vistas, flanked by blue ridges,

by wooded slopes and mist-filled valleys,

we few here in our quiet, dark nights,

with room enough for optimism,

here with our guarded kindness,

our shared concerns, 

knowing the value of rareness,

and thinking the best of each other,

we few, may it be so.