Wednesday, February 03, 2021

When We Were Ample

Hoarfrost at sunrise


In a windless, single-digit sunrise

we walked the field in snowshoes

in the shadow of the earth,

hurtling through space,

first tracks acoss an unbroken plain,

our words before us, our breath entwined,


And later, our captured sun

ticking in the stove, our jeans

hung up and steaming,

hot coffee in our hands,

with our music and our books,

with each other, we were happy,

we were ample, we were slung.

Ten winters hence, in my remove

and waiting for vaccine,

I've resisted sentiment,

content with solos and the company

of lines— that which seems enough

has been enough, almost ample— oh,

but how I miss the words that went unsung.