Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Law and Order in Manila

Photo by Daniel Berehulak, New York Times, 12/7/16.

We need to figure out

What's going on. Until we do,

Protectors of the people, duly sworn,

Are murdering their addicts in Manila,

Hunting without license in the night,

The broken, sweaty streets

Slick with blood and rain,

The wails of women frightening the birds

To silence in the ravaged jungle,

A fetid, smoking swamp,

Drained to stabilize the capital,

The capitol, the capital,

Where business booms in certain zones

Merchandizing guns and caskets,

Death the easy answer

To the problems of existence,

Especially our own,

The final strict austerity.

Tell me if you learn

What's going on.

—Inspired by Daniel Berehulak's text and photographs in the New York Times' slideshow,
" 'They Are Slaughtering Us Like Animas,' " June 7, 2016.

(Click the line above to  experience the story.)