Monday, August 22, 2016

As the Nights Cool

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But that's all different now 

i have wasted my time in my time in too many places

the nights are cooling and the mice are coming in

the mice are coming in and what happens now

in between is my life my life and what happens now

is happening now and i am lucky lucky to have

these woods to stand in these woods in the mist

to stand in the mist of what's happening now lucky

to have a house in the field where the goldenrod opens

and a dog snores in the kitchen lucky to have

this bottle of malbec and books books to stand in 

lucky to have this life in the mist with the mice

coming in and me standing in one place hearing

the birds it's all different now all in one place

and the birds in the mist singing singing

i'm here i'm here i'm here.

–after Jim Harrison's chapbook, "Returning to Earth,"
and with a line by Archibald MacLeish.