Thursday, June 30, 2016

Lords of the Landscape

Five farms i ride through most evenings,

miles from the main road, passing

a few farmers busy with farming,

exchanging salutes as i pedal by,

sunlight low across banded fields

and flush against red barns

and old-fashioned, two-story,

steep-roofed farm houses,

flooding their porches with gold,

bordered with dahlias, cats on their sides,

cows in the broad green pastures

after milking, lifting their heads

as I go, farms part of the hills,

abandoned or working still known

by the old names, mostly German

in these ancient rock-strewn mountains,

what had been ten now become five,

yet here is where they are still born and bred,

the men and women who save the country.

Long may they flourish, longer survive.