Thursday, October 29, 2015

The Moon

Because the wind outflanked us,

Or the rain filled our pockets,

Dissolving our notes,

Or we caught up on our reading,

A pound at a time,

Or the sea, as it crawled on its belly

Toward the dunes,

Shouted us down,

Or the casual pairs of young clerks,

Escaped from D.C. in Subarus,

Stripped to their pretty underwear

And, bounding into the wild, cold surf,

Whooped with sensation in the riptide,

Carried away,

Or Soutine, in Paris without freon,

Painted a carcass of beef which

He washed each day with a bucket of blood

Collected from the butcher by his girlfriend,


Or a good woman is hard to find,

Or the moon,

I forgot to mention the moon.

—Title and ultimate line from a poem of the same name by David Berman.