Sunday, July 05, 2015

The Fifth of July

We are desperate minds, and the rest is a bore.

Which is why we are friends, and i can write to you.

I've decided i write in prose. I write to say i am alive and well.

No one understands me when i write poetry. It is not madness.

I sit down on a stone, face up to the sun. Orion

Crossed the ecliptic unseen. We are blinded by days.

Beethoven, it's said, spent most of his day at the piano.

I have this stone, the valley before me, and the thought of your hair,

Long enough now i am looking through haze at it all,

And it's hard not to think, Mine, Mine. Or maybe it is.

—spun from a letter by John Weiners, and after
reading Marie Howe's "Second Childhood."