Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Humanities

On exhibit in Upper Turkeyfoot. Please expand by clicking.

Soon i'll don some artsy garb

maybe a long scarf and a beaver fedora

to wander the city with other artsy types

making the scene from gallery to gallery

in a celebration of art of artists of dilettantes

but today i crawl through my own field

in the gallery of winter and in case

you're wondering what i'm wearing:

a stretched out cotton turtleneck c. 1969

under a bulky thrift shop sweater

with moth holes i've sewn shut

above insulated jeans with tattered cuffs

and topped off by a pilled watch cap

of Carhartt brown which ties it all together,

de rigeur in the cultural district of the hillside,

himself an artist of the Upper Turkeyfoot School.