Monday, July 28, 2014

In the Woods with the Morning Wind

a fresh wind sets me off on the path to the cabin

through the woods when the dew has just begun to dry

to calm this quaking in my chest

i see in the rush and toss the first signs of autumn

nothing lasts for long nothing lasts

the wind moving in the crowns the circling crowns

the shadows of leaves moving on the great trunks

shifting their weight from foot to foot

the wind the crowns the trunks the leaves

all shifting everything shifting

as far as the eye can see and the heart can feel

everything shifting in the wind that brings rain

and i too am shifting and you are shifting

with all of the spirits that preceded us

all of us shifting in a fresh wind

that sets off a young heart

on a path through the woods

to calm a quaking in her chest

we pray never ends