Tuesday, May 13, 2014

He Thinks of Years Ago and Wonders If She Will Return

i wait for you at the desk beside

the long fogged window of the cabin in the woods

i see you beautiful and sad

and not yet here and yet not here

while this mid-may evening never ends

and never ends but is slowly dimming

the path beside the stone row where i

can see you beautiful and sad as you draw near

and i am reassured you are coming yes

all night i wait at the cabin desk beside

the webster's second open to the m's

your absence makes you beautiful and sad

come now do not come come now do not

and lead me to the desk deep within the hidden woods

where you undress beside the webster's open to the m's

where we will stay forever come now do not yes

–commandeered and manipulated through poetic license from a poem by Sean O'Brienn