We toured Annapolis Harbour underdressed on a fake steamship in a chilling breeze off the bay, keenly aware our boat was made of steel. It was warmer in Baltimore.

Irish pubs abound in Maryland near the water, and we have toured a few of those, too. The Midshipmen, as far as we could tell, drank water at lunch, their hats on the floor as James Joyce looked down upon their burgers.
I bought a gray T-shirt that says "NAVY" for half off, and a crabcake sandwich and a Smithwicks at full price. I checked out a cupcake shop to discover what all the buzz is about and was surprised to find them stocked with just cupcakes.
Annapolis is a busy place. Baltimore is a busy place. Home tomorrow, and its quiet comforts. I'm wondering if the juncos will be gone.
copyright 2010 J. O'Brien, all rights reserved