Now that there is no light,
Take a good look around.
We've been arranged in rows,
All zeros and ones,
Frozen in a moment
That shall remain fixed,
And yet to be named.
Some call it reform,
Some call it revenge,
Some call it sabotage.
Rural in Nature, Transcendental in Temperament
Now that there is no light,
Take a good look around.
We've been arranged in rows,
All zeros and ones,
Frozen in a moment
That shall remain fixed,
And yet to be named.
Some call it reform,
Some call it revenge,
Some call it sabotage.
4WD country, Swan Beach, Outer Banks, NC |
I loved you,
and you loved him,
and he loved her,
and on and on it goes,
pelagic, ever soon.
And so I leaned upon the wind
and looked for reciprocity
and saw it on the rising swells,
the golden apples of the sun,
the silver apples of the moon.
—last two lines from Yeats
(Marzia Bertelli photo) |
The older poets
move me the most
nearing the end of their days
in a different kind of weather
closer to the basics of living
the flight of the crow
the warmth of the sun
the touch of the beloved
accepting long silences
the errors and estrangements
each to each to each
accepting the losses
at peace with regret
they have much to teach.