Friday, January 03, 2025

Burner Phone Sonnet

Sad and wild enough
Sergio Larrain, untitled, London 1958 
Aperture, Paris, 2013

When you finally called

and didn't speak,

I knew it was you,

it could be only you,

who else would call

and say nothing,

and know I'd know

so many years later,

who else is sad enough,

who else is wild enough,

who else would call

and not speak,

who else would say nothing,

who else, besides me?

Wednesday, January 01, 2025

Turkeyfoot Trail

Turkeyfoot Trail, Native American Path

Wind haunts the distances, 

open, dormant fields

where once great forests stood,

an ancient, silver sound

of souls who passed this way

from mountain glades 

to where the waters meet,

beings in animal skins

trying hard to stay alive,

needing food and warmth and love,

caring for each other, fearing death,

not so different from ourselves—

stop and listen by their path—

we will be among them soon enough,

silver, singing wind.